Maintenance of the patent
After obtaining a patent, its owner must pay an annual fee for maintaining the patent. If this is not done, the patent will be canceled, and the right holder will lose the exclusive right to the patented technical solution.
If the right holder missed the due date to pay the fee for maintaining a patent during the last year of its validity, then he can do this within 6 months after the expiration of the exclusive right, subject to payment of an additional fee.
The pecialists of the company INEUREKA can take on the responsibility of monitoring due dates for paying fees and preparing supporting documents to keep your patents in force.
Advantages of workig with Ineureka
The possibility of
patenting your developments
around the world
Consultations of the best patent attorneys
Ability to register trademarks worldwide
The optimum ratio of price and quality
Comprehensive package of business protection
Opportunity to
intellectual property